Grub2Win is an open source program to safely dual-boot Windows and Linux. It is a free and open source boot optimizing application that's advanced.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:
Dual boot between Linux and Windows operating systems. Screenshot of Grub2Win - 2151px · 1772pxDual boot Windows and Linux on a PC. Screenshot of Grub2Win - 2231px · 1782pxCan setup a dual-boot system with Windows and Linux. Screenshot of Grub2Win - 2151px · 1772pxGrub2Win: User interface. Screenshot of Grub2Win - 1238px · 619pxScreenshot of Grub2Win - Size: 1248px · 1442pxScreenshot of Grub2Win - Size: 1248px · 1442pxScreenshot of Grub2Win - Size: 1499px · 1427pxScreenshot of Grub2Win - Size: 1499px · 1427px